Art School

Uncommon applications

There are no common applications for art school.

Each fine art and design college and each art and design program within a liberal arts university has its own, unique portfolio requirement.

Each one also has its own, unique essay requirement.

And at each school, your essays are reviewed just as carefully as is your portfolio. Your essay – your artist’s statement – must convey your vision, your talents, and your possibilities to the admissions committee and to the faculty who sit on the committee as critical decision makers.

Just like your portfolio, your essay must show that you can solve problems creatively and that you are willing to take on artistic challenges.

The essay as art. The writing as artmaking.

Jean Mishkin understands how demanding the process of applying to art school can be – creating a representative portfolio that meets each school or program’s requirements, writing a unique artist’s statement for each application, attending multiple portfolio review events – the demands placed upon your time can be enormous.

Jean Mishkin will work with you one-on-one to help you create essays that will present to the admissions committee, and to the faculty, a complete portrait of you as a young artist or designer.

Jean will work with you word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph.

No matter which side of the paper you write on.